Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

February 19, 1767 - Entered and Cleared, York River

Entered in the district of York river.

Jan 13. Hanbury, James Esten, from London, with European goods.
22. Peggy, Isaac Younghusband, from Liverpool, with European goods.
Feb 6. Marlborough, John Richards, from New York, with 2 hhds. of rum, 1 barrel of sugan, and 50 gallons of molasses.


Jan 13. Lucy, John Hearding, for Bristol, with 299 hhds. of tobacco, 40 tuns of pig iron, 8000 staves, and 2 hhd. of corn.
16. Sally, Thomas Lilly, for London, with 394 hhds. of tobacco, 14 casks and 1 box of ginseng, 4 hhds. and 8 casks of snakeroot, 3 hhds. of deerskins, 5 casks of copper ore, 20 tuns of pig and 10 tuns of bar iron, 15,000 staves, and 3000 feet of plank.
Feb 3. Murdoch, John McCunn of Glasgow, with 434 hhds. of tobacco, 26 tuns of pig iron, 14,000 staves, and 10 bags of cotton.
4. Rebecca, John Anthony, for Barbados, with 4300 bushels of corn, 175 bushels of pease, and 4000 shingles.

February 19, 1767 - Stoakes

A TRACT of Land Containing 197 Acres, lying in Gloucester County, and joining upon Sandy’s Creek, convenient for Navigation; whereon is a good Dwelling-House, new Barn, Kitchen and other necessary Houses, also a small Apple Orchard. The Plantation is in good Order for Cropping. The Time of Payment will be agreed on upon the Day of Sale. Any Person inclinable to purchase the above Land before the Day of Sale, may know the Terms by applying to the Subscriber living on the Premises.


February 12, 1767 - Muster

York County.

AS many of my circular letters have miscarried, or not been delivered in time to the County Lieutenants, which puts it our of my power to attend the General Musters: I therefore take this method of requesting the favour of the Commanding Officers of the Middle District to appoint their General Musters on the following days, viz. . . .
Gloucester, Monday 23rd of March . . .
At which time they may depend on my waiting upon them, to discharge my duty.


January 29, 1767 - Rootes

To be SOLD,
An exceeding good tract of LAND, in Kingston parish, Gloucester county, containing about 600 acres, all level and very rich. There is on the land an overseer’s house, quarters, tobacco houses, and an exceeding good barn built last summer. It is a noted place for fine fish and oysters, and great plenty of all kinds of water fowl. Any person inclinable to purchase may know the terms by applying to
John Rootes.

January 29, 1767 - Ships Entering and Clearing York River

Entered in the district of York river.
Dec. 29. Success, Joseph Stanwood, from New England, with 1 hhd. and 7 barrels of rum, 1 tierce and 6 barrels of sugar, 520 gallons of molasses, 300 wt. of loaf sugar, sundry wooden, iron, and earthen ware, and 5 quintals of dried fish.
29. Betsey, Isaac Ellwell, Jun. from New England, with 24 barrels of rum, 200 wt. of loaf sugar, 120 bushels of salt, 120 wt. of chocolate, 8 barrels of fish, and sundry wooden, iron, and earthen ware.
Jan. 1. Industry, Joseph Seaton, from Philadelphia, in ballast.
1. Betsy, James Boswell, from Liverpool, with European goods.
2. Olive Branch, Joshia Riggs, from New England, with 1 hhd. and 7 barrels of rum, 80 bushels of salt, sundry iron, wooden, and earthen ware, and 2 barrels of fish.
5. Speedwell, John Ingersol, from New England, with 2 hhd. and 8 barrels of rum, 160 bushels of salt, 3 barrels of mackerel, 4 quintals of dried fish, and sundry iron, wooden, and earthen ware.
5. Jane and Elizabeth, Hudson Powell, from St. Christopher’s, with 8 hhds. of rum, and 244 l. 32 s. 6 d. cash.
5. Merrell, Jeremiah Allen, from New England, with 1 hhd. and 7 barrels of rum, 80 bushels of salt, and sundry iron, wooden, and earthen ware.
9. Fair Lady, Joseph Lane, from New England, with 4 hhds. and 2 barrel of rum, 80 bushels of salt, 6 barrels of fish, and sundry wooden, iron, and earthen ware.

Dec. 30. Norton, Christopher Brooks, for Jamaica, with 4832 feet of plank, 5664 feet of scantling, 1555 hhd. heading, 2035 hhd. staves, and 397 bushels of pease. 

January 15, 1767 - News from Gloucestershire [Great Britain]

Extract of a letter from Gloucestershire, November 5. “Trade is excessively dull here, I believe never so bad: Every person in the woolen trade complaining, and that I am sure not without great reason; for unless some favourable turn should take place, this part of the kingdom must sink into ruin. What renders our situation the more deplorable is the advanced price of corn, which is out of the power of the poor manufacturers to procure. Indeed the cases of many are already almost beyond expression bad; and as I am informed, the diet of some has been grains and salt.” 

January 15, 1767 - Esten

Arrived in York river, from London, the Hanbury, Esten.

For LONDON, The ship HANSBURY, JAMES ESTEN, Commander, now lying in York river. Mattapony, will take in tobacco, on liberty of consignment, at 81 sterling a tun. Any persons inclining to ship are desired to apply to the Captian, who will attend all convenient county courts. The said ship will sail in April, without fail.