Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

September 18, 1746 - Lewis, Faulkes, Filbert, Hubbard, Hill, Norton

Last Tuesday arrived in York River, the Ship Virginian, Capt. Richard Lewis, from Bristol, in 9 Weeks: By whom we have the English Prints to the 12th of July; the Substance of which we collect, for this Paper, not having Room to insert it at large.

From Italy. That the King of Sardinia has had another bloody Battle near Placentia, with the Armies of France, Spain, Naples, and Genoa; in which it’s said 14,000 Men were killed on both Sides; but that the King of Sardinia obtained the Victory with great Advantage, and has totally ruined and routed the Armies of his Enemies. And ‘tis said the French will be oblig’d to draw off some of their Forces from Flanders, to go to their Assistance.

That the separate Army of the Piedmontese have entered the Republick of Genoa in several different Places, and exacted great Contributions; and have obliged the District of Novi to pay 200,000 Livres, and demanded a further Contribution of the same Value. A Detachment, which entered on the Side of Botero, have sack’d the Country all around.

From Flanders. That the French have taken Mons; and were besieging Charleroy.

That the Army of the Allies will speedily be reinforced with 20,000 Imperialists, who are daily expected to join M. Bathiani. That the 6000 Hessians are embarked from Scotland; and that 13,000 British Forces are going to Brabent, some of which were already embark’d. And that General Ligonier was gone over, to take the Command of them.

July 5. The Brest Fleet, consisting of 21 Men of War and Frigats, 20 other small Frigates and Privateers, with some Transports, with 3250 Marines, sail’d from Rochelle the 22d of June, N.S. but whither bound is unknown. ---- The Dutch Ships which were at Rochelle and other Places near it, were detain’d 2 Days, for Fear of their giving Intelligence to the English of the Fleet’s sailing.

Admiral Martin has wrote to inform the Lords of the Admiralty, that the Brest Squadron has given him the Slip; and that he does not know which way they are sail’d. It is since reported they are put into Ferrol.


Just arriv’d, THE Snow Planter, Thomas Faulkes, Master, from Guinea, with 210 Choice Gold Coast Slaves; the Sale to be at York, on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of this Instant, and on Tuesday the 23rd, at West-Point; to continue ‘til the Sale be completed, by Hubbard, Hill, & Norton.

N.B. The said Snow will take Freight to Liverpool, at 14 Pounds per Ton, consign’d to Richard Gilbert, Esq; and Sons, Merchants there. Notes to be delivered to the Master, on board the said Vessel, Benjamin Hubbard, in King William, Humphry Hill, in King & Queen, or to John Norton, in York Town.

September 4, 1746 - Hamilton, Millar

A Bale of Goods mark’d RIT No 1, was shipped in the Annabella, Capt. Robert Hamilton, in York River, for which the Owner is not known. Whoever applies to Mr. William Millar, Mercht. in Hanover, and proves his Property shall have it of him, paying the Charge of this Advertisement.

July 31, 1746 - Lidderdale

Arrived in York River, THE Snow Two Brothers, with upwards of 200 fine healthy Slaves; the Sale of which will begin at West-Point, on Monday the 4th of August; where Attendance will be given ‘til completed.

The said Ship is not Two Years old, well fitted and mann’d, and will take in Tobacco, for Bristol, at 14 l. per Ton. Such Gentlemen as are inclinable to ship to Thomas Chamberlayne and Company, from York or James Rivers, are requested to send their Orders on board, or to John Lidderdale.


We hear from Rappahannock, That the Ship Restoration, is arrived in that River, in 10 Weeks from London: By whom we hear, That the Brest Squadron, consisting of 30 Men of War, several Privateers, and a large Number of Transport Ships, were put out to Sea; but whither bound was not yet known; some guess they are designed for the West-Part of Ireland, others for Cape Breton, and others for some of our Sugar-Islands.


The Ship Annabella, is arriv’d in York, from Glasgow.


ARRIV’D from Gambia, the Ship Gildart, with 250 choice Gambia Slaves: The Sale whereof will begin at Hob’s Hole, on Rappahannock, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 5th, 6th, and 7th, Days of August; and at Bray’s Church the Monday following; where the Sale will continue till it’s completed.

The said Ship is a new Vessel, mounted with 20 Guns, navigated with 45 Men, and will take in Tobacco for Liverpool, at 14 Pounds per Ton. Such Gentlemen as are inclinable to ship, are desired to apply to John Lidderdale, Harmer & King.


By Order of the Vestry of Petsworth Parish in Gloucester County, there is to be a Dwelling-house built on the Glebe Land in the said Parish, 52 Feet long and 20 Feet wide. Any Person inclinable to undertake the same, is desired to meet the Vestry at the said Parish Church, on the first Wednesday in August next.

July 3, 1746 - Kelly

Since our last, arriv’d in York River, the ------ Everton, Capt. Kelly, from Liverpool, who brings the following Extraordinary News.

From the Supplement to the Belfast Courant, April 28. Just arriv’d, two Scotch Packets, which bring the following Particulars of the late glorious Victory obtain’d by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland over the Rebels … On Wednesday the 16th Inst. about 5 in the Morning, his Royal Higness march’d from Nairn, which is 12 Miles from Inverness … The Frazers and McDonalds, which composed their Right Wing, made an Attack on his Royal Highness’s Left, and endeavoured to come in Sword in Hand, but were so well received, and the Fire so close and regular, that on the second Discharge, they fell into the utmost Confusion, and fled over an adjacent Hill …

May 29, 1746 - Ward, Causier, Bayley, Dixon, Burwell, Berry, Booth, Jerman, Howard, Whiting, Johnson, Cocke

On Sunday last arrived in Rappahannock River, Capt. Ward from Liverpool, Capt. Causier, from Ireland, with Convicts; Capt Bayley, from Glasgow, and Capt. Dixon, from Whitehaven. The Ships from Liverpool, Ireland, and Glasgow, had no late public Papers, nor could the Masters tell any News; but Capt. Dixon reports, That he had read in the London Gazette, at Whitehaven, the following Article from Italy, dated the 26th of March last: “The King of Sardinia, having been joined by the Austrian Troops, had taken Asti and Alexandria, with about 7000 French and Spaniards Prisoners, and was pursuing them.”


Last Thursday died the Lady of the Hon. Lewis Burwell, Esq; of Gloucester County, in the 28th Year of her age, after a tedious illness, under which she supported herself with great Firmness of Mind: She is justly esteemed by all that knew her, a height Example of Virtue and Prudence; whose Ornaments were those of a meek and quiet Spirit; she approv’d herself a true Patroness to the Orphans and Widows in her Neighbourhood, and is very sincerely lamented by all her Acquaintance.


RAN away, about a Fortnight ago, from the Ship Maryland Merchant, lying at York Town, a Sailor, named John Berry, a Swede, but speaks very good English, about 30 Years of Age; he is tall and wears his own Hair, which is black and strait. Whoever brings the said Runaway to me on board the said Ship, or to Mr. Mordecai Booth, Merchant in York, shall have Four Pistoles Reward,

Stephen Jerman, Jun.


RAN away, the 11th Instant, from the subscriber, in Williamsburg, a Servant Man, named John Howard, alias Johnson. He is a well-set, red-Faced Irishman, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, and about 30 Years of Age: He had a sore Leg, and generally wore a Pair of blue-grey Worsted Stockings, slack drawn up, a white Wig, a light colour’d Coat, and no Waistcoat, a Pair of Leather Breeches , and a white Shirt; He took with him a white Duffel Coat, a blue Cloth Jacket and Breeches, and a Wallet with several white Shirts. He is a Carpenter and Joiner by Trade; and formerly belonged to Mr. Thomas Whiting, of Gloucester County, and on his Death, ran away from the Widow of his said Master; and, till taken up, called himself John Johnson. It’s supposed he will conceal himself on Board some of the outward-bound Ships.

Whoever takes up and secures the said Servant, so that I may have him again, shall have a Pistole Reward, besides what the Law allows, paid by Joseph Cocke.

May 15, 1746 - Lewis, Tayloe

Since our last arriv’d in Rappohanock, the Ship Richmond, Capt. -------- from Whitehaven, in 7 Weeks, and brings News to the 4th of March, That the Rebellion was so far over in Scotland, that his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland had discharged the 6000 Hessians lately landed there; and also the Militia. That he had persued the Rebels and taken some of them Prisoners …


Stolen or stray’d away from Anderson’s Race Ground, in Gloucester County, on the first of this Month, a Black Gelding, above Size, and a very genteel Nag, with a small Star in his Forehead, and a little white Ship on his upper Lip, not branded, is well gated, and high mottled. Whoever will bring the said Horse to Mr. Warner Lewis, in Gloucester, or to the Subscriber, in Richmond County, shall have a Moidore Reward, paid by John Tayloe, Jun.

April 24, 1746 - Jerman, Philpot, Whiting, Booth

THE Ship Maryland-Merchant, Capt. Jerman, now lying against York Town, is ready to take in Tobacco, on Freight, to Messrs. John Philpot and Company, Merchants in London, at the Rate of Fourteen Pounds per Ton; and will fetch Tobacco from any Part of Virginia, if speedy Notice be given. Any Persons inclinable to take Freight in the said Ship, may apply to the Subscriber in York Town, or to Mr. Beverley Whiting, in Gloucester.

Mordecai Booth.

April 17, 1746 - Mayes, Todd, Smith

Since our last, we have an Account of the Arrival of the Ship Byrd, Capt. Mayes, in Rappahanock, in about 8 Weeks from Glasgow; which brings an Account, That on the 17th of January, there was a smart Skirmish … between the King’s Forces … and the main Body of the Rebels … the Rebels have … fled precipitately towards the Highlands, leaving Stirling, and the Country thereabouts, in Possession of the King’s Forces. On the 31st of January, the Duke of Cumberland arrived at Edinburgh … 6000 Hessians are hourly expected to land in Scotland, there is no doubt but such Measures will be taken, as will effectually put a Stop to the unnatural Rebellion, and restore Peace to His Majesty’s Dominions again.


Last Saturday the Business of the Session of the General Assembly of this Colony, being brought on a conclusion, his Honour the Governor was pleased to send for Mr. Speaker, and the House of Burgesses into the Council Chamber, and gave his Assent to the following Acts: …

29. An Act, to dock the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucester, late the Estate of Thomas Todd, and vesting the same in Trustees, to be sold; and the Money arising therefrom to be laid out in Slaves, to be settled to the same Uses.

30. An Act, to dock the Intail of certain Lands in the County of Gloucester, late the Estate of John Smith, and vesting the same in Trustees, to be sold; and the Money arising therefrom, to be laid out in Slaves, to be settled to the same Uses.

April 10, 1746 - Merriwether

The Ship Lilly, Capt. Merriwether, arrived this Day in York River, in 23 Weeks from Bristol, and 10 from Milford Haven: But has brought no News later than we have already receiv’d

(Editor's note: The Bristol Channel is a major inlet in the island of Great Britain, separating South Wales from Devon and Somerset in South West England, and extending from the lower estuary of the River Severn to the North Atlantic Ocean. Milford Haven Waterway is a natural harbour at the western end of the Channel in Pembrokeshire, West Wales. The Haven is a ria or drowned valley flooded at the end of the last Ice Age, formed by the Pembroke River and the Daugleddau estuary. During the age of sail, trans-Atlantic shipping could be stalled at Milford Haven by unfavorable winds.)

April 3, 1746 - Lee, Huggins

Since our last, the Ship Christian, Capt. Lee, is arriv’d in Rappahanock, from London: by whom we have English Prints to the 18th of January; which contain the following material … Dantzick … Hambourg … Dresden … Frankfort … Rotterdam … Cork


Ran away last June, from the Subscriber, in Glocester County, a short, well-set Negroe Fellow, named Pompey: He is about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, talks good English, and is of a yellow Complexion: Had on when he went away, a Cotton Waistcoat, dy’d yellow, a striped Virginia-Cloth Jacket and Breeches, a Virginia Cotton Shirt, an old Pair of Shoes and Stockings; but I am since informed he has changed his Apparel.

Whoever secures the said Negroe, so that I many have him again, shall have Two Pistoles Reward, besides what the Law allows, paid by

William Huggins.

January 23, 1746 - Malbone, James, Orr, Walker, Churchman

SINCE our last, the Ship Mermain, Capt. Malbone, and the Brig. Industry, Capt. James, arriv’d in Norfolk from London: The Ship May, Capt. Orr, in James River, from Glasgow: Also the Ship Prat, Capt. Walker; and the Ship Gooch, Capt. Churchman, in York River, from Bristol: But as they have all had long Passages, they bring little News more than we had before. . . The two Bristol Ships, above mention’d, about 100 Leagues off our Capes, spoke with His Majesty’s Ships Torrington and Dover, with 8 Transport Ships under their Convoy, having on Board 3 Regiments of Soldiers, and their Officers, from Gibralter, bound for Cape Breton: This Week one of the said Transport Ships, put into Hampton Road, having parted from the rest; which we hear intended to put into New-York, it being judg’d improper to attempt getting into Cape Breton in the middle of Winter, when they are generally frozen up.

1746 - Events from Around the World

January 8 – In the final battles of the Jacobite Rising, Bonnie Prince Charlie occupies Stirling. On January 17 at the Battle of Falkirk, British Government forces are defeated by Jacobite forces. On April 16, the Battle of Culloden brings an end to the Jacobite Rising. On August 1, the wearing of the kilt is banned in Scotland by the Dress Act. On August 18 – Two of the four rebellious Scottish lords, Earl of Kilmarnock and Lord Balmeniro, are beheaded in the Tower. On September 20, Bonnie Prince Charlie flees to the Isle of Skye.

October 22 - The College of New Jersey (Princeton University) is chartered.

October 28 – An earthquake demolishes Lima and Callao, Peru.

In 1746, Governor Gabriel Johnston of the Royal Colony of North Carolina moves to the province's largest and most prosperous city of New Bern, which replaces Edenton as the capital of North Carolina.

December 19, 1745 - Glass, Bradley, Matthews, Aiselby, Twentyman, Robinson, Wilcox

Ran away on Monday was Se’nnight from the Subscriber, at York Town, a Convict Servant Man, nam’d George Glass, aged about 30 Years, of a middle Stature, with strait brown Hair, and red Eyes. He talks broad West-Country and was transported from Liverpool lately, by the Snow John and Mary, Capt. Bradley, in York River. He had several Sorts of Wearing Apparel, some of which he stole, particularly a whitish Broad-cloth Coat, and a Pair of Blue Breeches. Whoever takes up and conveys the said Servant to me, in York Town, shall be rewarded according to Law, by me.

Patrick Matthews.


Last Tuesday arriv’d in Hampton Road, the Ship Duke of Cumberland, Capt. Aiselby, in 6 Weeks from Bristol: And the same Day arriv’d in York River, the Monmouth, Capt. Twentyman, in 6 Weeks from Liverpool. By whom we have the printed Papers to the 24th of October; from which we collect as much of the most material News as we have Room for now, and purpose in our next to give more full and particular Accounts. Besides the Intelligences contained in those Papers, we are told the disagreeable News, That the Ship Expedition, Capt. Robert Robinson, from York River: and the Ship Restoration, Capt. John Wilcox, from James River, both loaden with Tobacco, for London, are taken and carried into France ...

Edinburgh is still in the Hands of the Rebels, the Castle still holds out, and ‘tis morally impossible they should take it without Treachery ...

(Editor's note: see April 19, 1745 World Events about the Jacobite Rising.)

December 5, 1745 - Seamus, Scarburgh

Last Monday a large Grampus, or young Whale, was taken and kill’d, in York River, near York Town.


THERE was brought in the Ship commanded by Capt. Samuel Seamus, in Rappahanock, in September last, from London, a Packet of Papers directed, For Col. Edmund Scarburgh, in Accomack County, on the Eastern Shore, Virginia, which is not yet come to the Hands of the said Col. Scarburgh: And as the said Packet is of Consequence to him, he requests the Favour of any Person that has it, or know where it is, to contrive it to Col. Scarburgh in Accomack, or to Mrs. Scarburgh at Queen’s Creek, near Williamsburg, or to the Printer hereof; and the Person that brings it, or gives Notice where it is, shall have 7 s. 6 d. Reward.

November 21, 1745 - Kelsick, Thompson, Boher

By Capt. Kelsick, who is arriv’d in Rappahanock, from Whitehaven, we have Advice, That the Grand Duke of Tuscany is elected Emperor of Germany; and that there were great Rejoicings in many Parts of England, on that Occasion. Capt. Kelsick also says, the Dutch Forces, which were order’d over to England, were arriv’d, before he came away.


TO be Sold, for ready Money, or Six Months Credit, a Plantation, lying on Pagan-Creek, in Isle of Wight County, containing 300 Acres of good Land, well situated, and is very convenient for Trade. Inquire of Capt. John Thompson, in Glocester, or Mr. Joseph Boher, at the Indian Queen, in the Isle of Wight.

November 7, 1745 - Dingley, Randolph, Spencer, Tenant, Allan, Glover, Ludlow, Crawford, Foot, Ebswertby

Enter’d in York River.
September 18. Ship New Hatley, of London, James Dingley, from London, with European Goods.
September 31. Ship Charles, of London, Edward Randolph, from London, with European Goods, and 1 Passenger.
September 31. Ship Success, of Ramsgate, Thomas Spencer, from London, with 2328 Bushels of Salt.
October 10. Schooner Sarah, of Virginia, Samuel Tenant, from Barbados, with 43 Hhds. 37 Tierces, and 20 Barrels of Rum, 23 Barrels of Sugar, 2 Hhds. of Melasses, and 4 Negroes.
October 27. Sloop Dolphin, of Virginia, Anthony Allan, from Maryland, with 24 Pipes of Madeira-Wnine, and 12 Hhds. of Rum.

Clear’d Outwards.
September 18 . Sloop Dolphin, of Virginia, Anthony Allan, for Maryland, with 25 Pipes of Madeira Wine, and 12 Hhds. of Rum.
September 23. Ship Bladen, of London, Thomas Glover, for London, with 302 Hhds. of Tobacco, 24 Tons of Iron, 4500 Staves, 2000 Pounds of Sasafras Root, and 165 Gallons of Rum.
October 1. Ship Duke of Argyle, of Bristol, Joseph Ludlow, for Bristol, with 511 Hhds. of Tobacco, 7358 Staves, a Hhds. of Deer-skins, and 75 Gallons of Rum.
October 7. Ship Buchanan, of London, Hugh Crawford, for London, with 643 Hhds. of Tobacco, 45 Tons of Iron, 5000 Staves, 5 Dozen of Oars, 3000 Feet of Plank, 365 Gallons of Rum, and 25 Elephants Teeth and Screvilloes.
October 8. Ship Dragon, of London, Malachi Foot, for London, with 440 Hhds. of Tobacco, 35 Tons of Iron, 7000 Staves, 50 Oars, 85 Undrest Deer-skins, and 300 Gallons of Rum.
October 19. Brig. Ranger, of Bristol, Thomas Ebswertby, for Bristol, with 205 Hhds. of Tobacco, 1100 Staves, 30 Elephants Teeth, 12 lb. Bees-Wax, 223 Gallons Rum.

October 31, 1745 - Amis, Tennant, Perrin, Moody

TO be Sold, 444 Acres of very good Land, lying in Glocester County, about a Mile from Old Dragon Bridge, with a very good Dwelling-house, Orchard, and other convenient Out-houses. Any Person inclinable to purchase, may know the Terms by applying to the Subscriber, living on the Premises.

James Amis.


THE Schooner Sarah, Samuel Tennant, Master, being well found, and a prime Sailer, belonging to Capt. John Perrin, and now lying in Sarah’s Creek, York River, will be ready to sail in about 3 Weeks, for Madeira: Any Gentleman that have Occasion of Freight, are desir’d to be speedy in their Orders: And those Gentlemen that want Freight for Wine from Madeira, are desir’d to send their Letters or Orders, to Capt. Perrin, in Glocester, Mr. Ishmail Moody at York, or the Printer of this Paper.

October 24, 1745 - Crawford

By the Ship George, Capt. Jordan Crawford, who is arriv’d in Rappahanock, in 6 Weeks from Glasgow, we have the Edinburgh Evening Courant, of the 22d, and 27th of August; which contain the following important News … Copenhagen … The Christianburg, a Ship belonging to the Asiatick Company of Denmark, arrived here Yesterday Morning from Canton, and the Officers report that our Cruizers in the East-Indies have lately made several very rich Captures upon the French …


THE Inspectors at Poropotank Warehouse, in Glocester County, having been put to great Trouble and Inconvenience, by trading the Inspection-money for Tobacco; hereby give Notice, That they will not, for the future, deliver out any Tobacco until the Inspection-money is paid. And those who have not yet paid their Inspection-money, are desired to do it as soon as possible.

October 10, 1745 - Hamilton, Philpot, Booth

THE Ship York, Capt. Hamilton, now lying in York River, opposite to York Town, being charter’d by Messrs. Philpot, and Comp. Merchants in London, and by Charter-party is to be only 90 Days in the County, is ready to take in Tobacco. I therefore beg (in Behalf of the said Mr. Philpot and Comp.) that the Friends of those Gentlemen, who are willing to put their Tobacco on board the said Ship, would be pleas’d to give her what Dispatch they possibly can; and if any Person will ship on board her, and doth not chuse to consign to the Owners, they may have Liberty of Consignment. She is a fine large Ship, and every Way qualified, both as to Men and Guns, to carry her Cargoe fine. I shall attend to most of the neighbouring Courts, that my Business will admit of, where I shall be glad to receive such Orders for Tobacco as I may meet with; but in case I should not be at such Courts as Gentlemen may expect, if they will be pleas’d to send their Orders to Mordecai Booth, in York Town, or to the Captain, on board the said Ship, they will oblige, Their most humble Servant,

John Booth.

September 26, 1745 - Page

THE Lands which I was enabled to sell and disposs of, to raise Money for the Payment of my Fathers Debts, and Performance of his Will, by an Act passed at the last Assembly, will be expos’d to Sale at public Auction, in the City of Williamsburg, on Wednesday the thirteenth of October.

Mann Page

September 12, 1745 - Matthews

RAN away from the Subscriber, living in Ware Parish, Gloucester County, on Tuesday the 6th Day of August last, a Negroe Boy, nam’d Sawney; he looks old and wrinkled in the Face, though but very small in Stature, and had a fresh Scar on one of his Cheeks: He had on when he went away, a Pair of old blue Cloth Breeches, and a Hempen Shirt. Some Person had forg’d my Hand, and given him a Pass, but my Advertisements happening to get before him, he was taken up at West-Point the Tuesday following, and he made his Escape the same Night, from the Person that had him, about six Miles from home. Whoever secures the said Runaway, so that I may have him again, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble, and all their reasonable Expences bore, by

John Matthews

July 11, 1745 - Whiting, Crawford

N.B. The Account we gave in our last, concerning the Division of the Shares of the French Prize Ship, Elizabeth, proves to be a Mistake, occasion’d by a wrong Information given to my Men in my Absence: For the Shares were divided between Capt. Whiting and Capt. Crawford only, and not between three Captains as was there inserted.

July 4, 1745 - Whiting, Crawford, Robinson, Lusk, Allan, Whitterong, Thornton, Whiting, Crawford, Robinson, Wishart, Sharp, Butcher, Blair ...

The French Prize Ship Elizabeth, (mention’d in this Paper No. 464) was, by a Decree of a Court of Admiralty held on the 20th past, condemn’d as lawful Prize, with her Cargo consisting of 282 Hogsheads of Sugar, 4 or 5,000 Weight of Indigo, and a Parcel of choice Mohogony Plank: The Sale where of begins this Day, and is to continue until all is sold: And the Shares of said Prize are divided between Capt. Whiting, Capt. Crawford, and Capt. Robinson. The Captain, Mate and others are brought up and made Prisoners here.


Enter’d in York River.
May 25. Ship Chichester, of Belfast in Ireland, Robert Lusk, from Belfast, in Ballast.
May 27. Sloop Dophin, of Virginia, Anthony Allan, from Barbados, with 30 Hhds. 1 Tierce of Rum, and 19 Barrels of Sugar.
June 5. Schooner Penguin, of Virginia, William Whitterong, from Antigua, with 46 Hhds. 2 Tierces of Rum, 25 Barrels of Sugar, and one Cask of dry Goods.
June 14. Ship Everton of Liverpool, Edward Thornton, from Liverpool, with sundry European Goods, and 2000 Bushels of Salt.
June 14. Ship Banstead of London, Robert Whiting, from London, with sundry European Goods, per Manifest; and a large Ship laden with Sugar, Indigo, &c. and we hope some Dollars, belonging to the French, taken after a warm Engagement, by the said Capt. Whiting, brought in and condemn’d as lawful Prize in York Town, by the Hon. the Court of Vice Admiralty.
June 14. Ship Neptune, of London, Archibald Crawford, from London, with sundry European Goods, per Manifest.
June 14. Ship Expedition of London, Robert Robinson, from London, with sundry European Goods, per Manifest.
June 17. Ship Banff, of Virginia, William Wishart, from Madeira, with 63 Pipes, 8 Hhds. 6 quarter Casks of Wine, and 4 Boxes of Cittron.
June 17. Ship Levant Galley, of Kingston on Hull, Samuel Sharp, from Hull, with sundry European Goods, and 1 Passenger.
June 25. Snow Jane, of Glasgow, William Butcher, from Glasgow, with sundry European Goods, per Manifest.
June 25. Snow Eliza, of Glasgow, David Blair, from Glasgow, and the Isle of May with 2000 Nushels of Salt, and one Pipe of Madeira Wine, taken in at James River.

Clear’d Outwards.
May 2. Sloop John and William, of Virginia, Charles Griffin, for Barbados, with 2 Hhds. of Tobacco, 1140 Bushels of Corn, 250 Bushels of Pease, 43 Barrels of Pork, 1 Barrel of Beef, 1 Cask, 1 Barrel of Hams, 7 Barrels of Sturgeon, 9300 Shingles, 500 Staves, and 3 Boxes of Candles.
May 17. Schooner Molly, of Virginia, Michael Boyes, for London, with 114 Hhds. of Tobacco, and 4000 Staves.
June 14. Ship Pretty Nancy, of Bermuda, John Saunders, for London, with 317 Hhds. Tobacco, 30 Tons of Iron, 5800 Staves, 2 Hhds. of Deer-skins, 1 Pipe, 2 quarter Casks of Wine, and 2 Puncheons of Rum.
June 15. Sloop Dolphin, of Virginia, Anthony Allan, for Barbados, with 1450 Bushels of Corn, and 12,500 Shingles.
June 17. Ship Monmouth, of Liverpool, Henry Twentyman, for Liverpool, with 274 Hhds. of Tobacco, and 3440 Staves.
June 18. Sloop Nancy, of Maryland, John Howard, for Maryland, with 1 Bail of Linnet, a Parcel of Earthen Ware, 10 Hhds. Molasses, 14 Barrels of Muscovado Sugar, 1 Tierce of Cocoa, 1 Barrel of Limejuice, 1 Bolt of Ozenbrigs, and 1 ditto of Duck.

June 20, 1745 - Robinson, Whitin, Crawford, Thornton

Last Friday arriv’d in York River, Capt. Robinson, Capt. Whiting, and Capt. Crawford, from London: Also a French Prize Ship, loaden with Sugar, and some Indigo, which the Two latter met with and took on their Passage hither. She struck to Capt. Whiting, who had fir’d several Shot into her, but Capt. Crawford being in Company, and soon after boarding the Prize, and securing the French Captain’s Papers, he claims a Share of the Prize. There is to be a Court of Admiralty held this Day, for trying her. The same Day arriv’d in York, Capt. Thornton, from Liverpool: and a Ship from Hull.

May 9, 1745 - Willis, Nash, Smith

Ran away from Mr. John Willis’s Plantation, in Brunswick County, some Time in March last, an English Convict Servant Man, named William Nash, by Trade a Bricklayer; he is of low Stature, fresh Complection, with a large black Beard, his Nose somewhat flat, and looks as if it had been broke by a Blow; he is very much given to Drink; his Cloathing is an old blue Duffle Coat, brown Half-thick Waistcoat and Breeches, with Brass Buttons, Canvas Shirts, and hath some coarse Linen Trousers; he belongs to the Subscriber in Gloucester County, and is suppos’d to be gone to North-Carolina. Whoever will take up, and convey the said Servant to the abovesaid Plantation, shall have a Pistole Reward, besides what the Law allows.

Augustine Smith.

April 18, 1745 - Perrin, Sibbald, Packe

On Wednesday the 27th of March, towards the Evening, a small Schooner, belonging to Capt. Perrin, which sail’d out of York River that Morning, bound up the Bay, was unfortunately last, by a violent Gust of Wind, which sunk the Vessel, near Fleet’s Bay, a little above the Mouth of the Rappahanock; and all the Persons in her were drow’d. There were Two Passengers in her, viz. Mr. George Sibbald, brother of Capt. Sibbald, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Graves Packe, Son of Mrs. Sarah Packe, of Williamsburg, a very hopeful Youth, of about 18 Years of Age. And as none of the Bodies are yet found, the Friends of the above mention’d unfortunate Persons request the Favour of all good Christians who may happen to find, or hear of their Bodies being cast ashore and found, that they may order them a decent Burial: and what Effects they have about them secur’d, and Notice given to the Printer of this Paper: And whatever Charge or Trouble they may be at, shall be by him thankfully paid. Mr. Sibbald was a middle-siz’d Man, aged about 50 Years; his Apparel can’t now be describ’d. Mr. Packe was a thin, slender Youth; had on a Scarlet Great Coat, a new Green Cloth Wastecoat, with white Mettal Buttons, a new Pair of Leather Breeches, a new Pair of Boots; had a Silver Watch in his Pocket, the Maker’s Name Bradford, of London, with a Silver Seal hanging to it; and a Mourning Ring on one of his Fingers. They Both had Money in their Pockets, and other Effects with them, of considerable Value.

March 28, 1745 - Collis

Last Sunday arriv’d in York River, the Ship Enterprize, Capt. Collis, in Ten Weeks from Bristol.

March 21, 1745 - Lewis, Brown, Hutchinson, Lane, Belcher, Dansie, Teage, Whiterong, Stowe, Bevan, Allen

Since our last, arriv’d in York River, the Ship Virginian, Capt. Lewis, from Bristol, in 10 Weeks … [He] met our homeward-bound Fleet of 9 Vessels who sail’d last Tuesday Fortnight, and all were well.


Enter’d in York River.
March 16. Ship Virginian, Richard Lewis, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods.

Clear’d Outwards.
February 21. Ship Prince William, Hugh Brown, for Glasgow, with 348 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 7000 Staves, 150 Feet of Plank, and 2 Hogshead of Rum.
February 21. Snow Sally, William Hutchinson, for Bristol, with 235 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 3900 Staves, 1000 Feet of Plank, 45 Barrels of Turpentine, and 3 Hogshead of Deer Skins.
February 23. Ship Sally, Isaac Lane, for London, with 555 Hogsheads of Tobacco, __ Tons of Iron, 1 Case of Deer-skins, 10,000 Staves, 15 Cedar Logs, ___ Hogshead of Rum.
February 23. _____ _____, James Belcher, for London, with 511 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 25 Tons of Iron, 6500 Staves, and 1 Hogshead of Skins.
February 25. Ship Neptune, Thomas Dansie, for London, with 493 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 4000 Staves, 2500 Battins, 60 Tons of Iron, and 200 Feet of Walnut Plank.
February 27. Ship London Factor, Thomas Teage, for London, with 491 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 7100 Staves, 1 Hogshead of Virginia Brandy, 2 Boxes and 1Case of ____, and 1 Hogshead of Rum.
March 1. Schooner Penguin, William Whiterong, for Antigua, with 100 Barrels of Pitch, 303 Barrels of Tar, 35 Barrels of Turpentine, 3 Barrels of Tallow, 300 Barrels of Pease, and 13,800 Shingles.
March 1. Brig. Sea-Horse, Joseph Stowe, for London, with 271 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, and 3 Hogsheads of Deer-skins.
March 7. Sloop Success, George Bevan, for Jamaica, with 103 Barrels of Pitch, 300 Barrels of Tar, 35 Barrels of Turpentine, 20 Barrels of Pork, 7 Barrels of Tallow, 26,700 Shingles, and 275 Bushels of Pease.
March 7. Sloop Dolphin, Anthony Allen, for Barbadoes, with 787 Bushels of Corn, 231 Bushels of Pease, 45 Barrels of Pork, 20 Barrels of Turpentine, 10 Barrels of Tar, and 13000 Shingles.

Friday, June 11, 2010

1740 - 1745 Events from Around the World


October 17 - Ivan VI becomes Czar of Russia.

October 20 - The War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748), also known as King George's War in North America, and incorporating the War of Jenkins' Ear with Spain, involved nearly all the powers of Europe in the struggle to break up the empire. The spark that ignites the war is the death of Austrian Emperor Charles VI, who leaves no Habsburg male heir to the throne. His daughter, Maria Theresa, succeeded him as Queen of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia, Archduchess of Austria and Duchess of Parma. Her father had been Holy Roman Emperor, but Maria Theresa was not a candidate for that title, which had never been held by a woman; the plan was for her to succeed to the hereditary domains, and her husband, Francis Stephen, to be elected Holy Roman Emperor. The complications involved in a female Habsburg ruler had been long foreseen.


July 15 - Alexei Chirikov sights land in Southeast Alaska. He sends men ashore in a longboat, making them the first Europeans to visit Alaska. On July 28, Captain Bering discovers Mount St Elias, Alaska.

September 14 - George Frederick Handel finishes "Messiah" oratorio, after working on it non-stop for 23 days. On April 13, 1742, Handel's "The Messiah" premieres in Dublin.

Winter 1740-1741 - Benjamin Franklin begans planning for what has come to be called the "Franklin Stove" in Philadelphia, the largest city in America with a population of 13,000.


January 14 - Edmond Halley (born 1656), astronomer and discoverer of Halley's Comet, dies.

July 7 - English and Spanish forces skirmished on St. Simons Island, Georgia, in an encounter later known as the Battle of Bloody Marsh. The Spanish attempt to invade Georgia during the War of Jenkins' Ear ended in victory for the British.

December 2 - The Pennsylvania Journal first appears in print in the United States.


April 13 - Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States, is born.

June 27 - As the War of Austrian Succession continues, Austrian armies drive French and Bavarian troops out of Bavaria. Britain's 59-year-old George II personally leads a 50,000-man allied Pragmatic army of British, Austrian, Hessian, and Hanoverian troops that defeats 70,000 French in the Battle of Dettingen, some 70 miles east of Frankfurt.


February 22–23 – As the War of Austrian Succession continues, the British fleet is defeated by a Franco-Spanish fleet in the Battle of Toulon. On March 15, France declares war on Great Britain. On April 20 at the Battle of Villafranca, a joint French and Spanish force defeats Britain and Sardinia. The third French and Indian War, known as King George's War, breaks out at Port Royal, Nova Scotia.

September 25 – King Frederick William II of Prussia (d. 1797)is born.

August 26 – Prominent Virginia planter William Byrd II (b. 1674) dies.


May 11 – In the War of Austrian Succession, French forces defeat an Anglo-Dutch-Hanoverian army including the Black Watch at the Battle of Fontenoy. On June 4, Frederick the Great destroys the Austrian army at the Battle of Hohenfriedberg. On September 12, Francis I is elected Holy Roman Emperor with the support of his wife, Maria Theresia of Austria. He is the successor of Charles VII Albert of Bavaria, an enemy of Habsburg. On December 25, the Treaty of Dresden gives Prussia full possession of Silesia.

August 19 – The Jacobite Rising begins at Glenfinnan, Scotland, with Bonnie Prince Charlie raising an army from the clans to supported his bid for the throne. On December 4, the Jacobite Army reaches Derby; two days later it begins retreat. On September 21 at the Battle of Prestonpans, near Edinburgh, British forces are defeated. On December 19, the Jacobite army led by Bonnie Prince Charlie, on retreat from Derby, was defeated by the Duke of Cumberland at the Battle of Clifton Moor near Penrith, Cumberland.

February 1740 to March 1745

No copies of the Virginia Gazette have been found for this period.

February 1, 1740 - Jones, Tillidge, Cox, Harding

We hear from Gloucester County, That the Rev. Mr. Immanuel Jones, Minister of Petsworth Parish, died there this Week, in an advanc’d Age. He has been many Years Minister of that Parish, where he discharg’d the Duties of his Function, in such a Manner as render’d him beloved by his Parishioners, and now as greatly lamented.


Clear’d out of York River.
January 21. Snow John and Mary, of Virginia, Richard Tillidge, Master, for Bristol, with 221 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 2750 Staves and Heading, and 22 Tons of Iron.
January 30. Sloop Dove, of Bermuda, William Cox, Master, for Bermuda, with 1570 Bushels of Corn, and 3200 Pounds of Pork.


THE Ship Duke of Cumberland, William Harding, Master, from London, arrived in Rappahannock River, the 18th of this Instant, and will come into York River, in about 10 or 12 Days, to take in her Loading. She is a prime Sailor, mounted with 16 Guns and well mann’d. All Gentlemen who are dispos’d to consign their Tobacco to Mr. John Hanbury, Merchant, in London, may apply to the said Master, who will be ready to receive their Orders, for the same Freight, as any 5 or 6 Ships in York River shall take for this ensuing Year.

January 25, 1740 - Crane, Moseley, Dansie, Malbon, Belcher, Reynolds, Banks, Seabrooke, Booth, Whiting, Robertson, Carnock, Smith, Friend, ...

A List of SHIPS which were safe arrived in England, from Virginia, to the 10th of October last. From York River. The Bobby, Henry Crane. Pretty Betsy, Anthony Moseley. Albemarle, Thomas Dansie. Carter, Samuel Malbon. Timothy and Jacob, James Belcher. Maynard, Thomas Reynolds. Hatley, Ralph Banks. John, Charles Seabrooke. Haswell, John Booth. Whitaker, Robert Whiting. Mary, William Robertson. Staunton, Samuel Charnock. Dolphin, John Smith, at Dover. Gooch, Charles Friend, at Portsmouth. Black Prince, John Sibson, at Dover.

From Rappahannock River. The Herriott and Theodosia, William Read. Union, William Moyerley. Charles, Thomas Teage. Dorsetshire, John Whiting. Frederick, William Loney, in the Downs. Rappahannock, John Wilcox, & Portsmouth.


Enter’d in York River.
Jan. 14. Sloop Ruth, of Rhode-Island, James Hathaway, Master, from Rhode-Island, with 4 Cases of Drawers, 4 Desks, 800 lbs. of New-England Iron Ware, 1600 lbs. of Cheese, 2 Barrels of Fish, 1 Box of Haberdashary Ware, I Hogshead of Rum, Quantity 110 Gallons, and 13 l. Cash.


THE Ship Duke of Cumberland, William Harding Master, from London, arrived in Rappahannock River, the 18th of this Instant, and will come into York River, in about 10 or 12 Days, to take in her Loading. She is a prime Sailor, mounted with 16 Guns, and well mann’d. All Gentlemen who are dispos’d to consign their Tobacco to Mr. John Hanbury, Merchant, in London, may apply to the said Master, who will be ready to receive their Orders, for the same Freight, as any 5 or 6 Ships in York River shall take for this ensuing Year.

January 11, 1740 - Dickenson, Spofferth, Cox, Seawell, Nelson, Wormley

York, Dec. 25. This Day arrived in York River, the Sloop Tryal, Joseph Dickenson Master, from Bermuda, who brought the following Account: That Capt. Samuel Spofferth, of Bermuda, in a Sloop of about 100 Tons and 20 Men, took a Spanish Schooner off Curacoa, laden with a great Quantity of dry Goods. The Schooner he sold in Curracoa, and her Cargo in Bermuda, which amounted to at least 50 l. per Man, besides above 1000 l. to the Captain


Enter’d in York River.
Dec. 24. Sloop Dove, of Bermuda, William Cox, Master, from Bermuda, with 110 lb. of Foreign Indigo, imported into Bermuda as wreck Goods, 2 Barrels of Train Oyl, 20 lb. of Braziletta Wood, and 80 l. Virginia currency.
Dec. 26. Sloop Tryal, of Bermuda, Joseph Dickinson Master, from Bermuda, and Turks Islands, with 4 Casks of Rum, Quantity 393 Gallons, 7 Barrels of Muscovado Sugar, 1600 Bushels of Salt, and 4 l. 10 s. 6 d. Virginia Currency.


This is to give Notice, That there will be run for, at Mr. Joseph Seawell’s, in Gloucester County, on the First Thursday in April next, a Purse of Thirty Pistoles, by any Horse, Mare, or Gelding; all siz’d Horses to carry 140, and Galloways to be allowed Weight for Inches; to pay One Pistole Entrance if a Subscriber, if not, Two; and the Entrance Money to go to the Second Horse, &c. And on the Day following, on the same Course, there will be a Saddle, Bridle, and Housing, of Five Pounds Value, to be run for, by any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, that never won a Prize of that Value Four Miles before; each Horse, &c. to pay Five Shillings Entrance, and that to go to the Horse that comes in Second. And on the Day Following, there is to be run for, by Horses not exceeding 13 Hands, a Hunting Saddle, Bridle, and Whip; each Horse to pay Two Shillings and Six Pence at Entrance, to be given to the Horse that comes in Second; Happy is he that can get the lightest Rider.

N.B. The Gentlemen that are Subscribers for the Purse, are desir’d to pay their Money to Mr. William Nelson at York, or to Mr. Ralph Wormley, of Middlesex.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1739 - Events from Around the World

January 14 - England and Spain sign the Second Convention of Pardo.

February 24 - At the Battle of Karnal, the army of Iranian ruler Nadir Shah defeats the forces of the Mughal emperor of India, Muhammad Shah.

March 20 - Nadir Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne.

May 1 - English theologian and evangelist John Wesley (1703-91) and a group of his followers, meeting in a shop on West Street, London, formed the first Methodist society. Two similar organizations were established in Bristol the same month. Late in 1739 the London society began to meet in a building called the Foundry, which served as the headquarters of Methodism for many years.

July 22 - Turks defeat the Holy Roman Empire at Crocyka Yugoslavia and threaten Belgrade.

July 30 - Caspar Wistar begins glass manufacturing in Allowaystown, N.J.

September 9 - Approximately 80 slaves armed themselves and attempted to march toward Spanish Florida from their home area of Stono, South Carolina. When confronted by a group of white militia, a battle ensued. Forty-four blacks and twenty-one whites perished.

September 18 - Turkey and Austria sign peace treaty. Austria cedes Belgrade to Turks.

September 23 - Russia and Turkey sign the Peace of Belgrade.

October 3 - The Treaty of Nissa is signed by the Ottoman Empire and Russia at the end of the Russian-Turkish War, 1736-1739.

October 30 - England declares war on Spain, called the War of Jenkin's Ear Although Spain and Britain had been engaged in a battle for supremacy in the Caribbean for more than two centuries, they had arrived at a relative peace during the early decades of the 1700s. But throughout history, British smugglers had flouted Spanish trade restrictions. By 1739 the political climate in Britain was finally ready for war. When Captain Robert Jenkins, merchant, came to the House of Commons in England, showing them what he claimed was his ear, cut off by the Spanish when they boarded his ship in 1731, British Prime Minister Robert Walpole reluctantly declares war on Spain.

Monday, June 7, 2010

December 14, 1739 - Palmer, Hume

Enter’d in York River.
November 29. Schooner Tryal, of Maryland, Charles Palmer, Master, from Annapolis, with 20 Hogsheads and 10 Tierces of Rum, 2 Tierces of Melasses, and 100 Barrels of Sugar.
December 12. Brig. Mary, of London, James Hume, Master, from Madeira and Barbados, with 5000 Gallons of Rum, 20 Barrels of Sugar, and 4 Hogsheads of Madeira Wine.

December 7, 1739

No Ship is yet arriv’d here from Europe; nor any News from the Norward.

November 30, 1739

We have no Ships yet arriv’d from England; nor any News by the Northern Post. Two or Three Bermuda Vessels are arriv’d in James River; and a Schooner in York River with Rum, Sugar, Melasses, &c. Salt is very much wanted here.

November 2, 1739 - Gooch, Robertson, Bird, Abington

Yesterday William Gooch, Jun. Esq; took the Oaths of the Government, before the General Court, in order to qualify him to be Naval Officer of the District of York River; to which Place His Honour the Governor, with the unanimous Approbation of His Majesty’s Council, was pleas’d to appoint him, in the room of Mr. William Robertson, deceas’d.


Clear’d out of York River.
October 30. Prince of Orange, Japhet Bird, Master, for Bristol, with 67 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 6500 Staves, 30 Tons of Iron.
October 30. Sea Nymph,Thomas Abington, Master, for London, with 179 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, and 20 Tons of Iron.

October 26, 1739 - Clayton

Several Persons of Note have died lately in this Colony; some of which we had not timely Information of, if should have been more particular in our Account of them, viz. … Thomas Clayton, M.D. of Gloucester County, Son of the late Attorney General; a learned and ingenious Gentleman …

October 5, 1739 - Geddy, Adams, Whiting

About Six Months since, a long Gun, about 6 or 7 Feet in the Barrel, was brought by a young Gentleman of Gloucester County, to me, the Subscriber, in Williamsburg, to be new Stock’d and Lock’d; and as I have some Reason to believe, that the Person who brought it is dead, and am desirous the right Owner should have it, I therefore give this Notice, that the Person who has a Right to it, may know where it is, and that he may have it, on proving his Property, and paying the Charges, to me, James Geddy.


A Small Box, with the Direction upon it, T. Adams on York River, Virginia, was brought into York River, this Year, by Capt. Whiting, in the Ship Whitaker; and there being no Bill of Loading given for it, nor Letter of Direction with it, not any Person come to claim it, it is therefore left with Mr. Beverley Whiting, Merchant, in Gloucester-Town; of whom the Owner may have it, on paying the Charge of this Advertisement.

September 21, 1739 - Scarburgh, Pitman, Southwick, Nelson, Dennis, Rae

Last Monday the eldest Son of Col. Edmund Scarburgh was unfortunately drowned in York River. The Colonel was going with his Son from Queen’s Creek to Accomack, in a Shallop, and when they were a little below York Town, a sudden Flow of Wind heel’d the Vessel down so much, that the Boat which was on the Deck broke loose, and shov’d him and his Son overboard; and notwithstanding the utmost Endeavours of the People on board to save them both, the Son was drowned, and the Colonel narrowly escap’d.


Clear’d out of York River.
September 8. Cross-Galley, of Bristol, Joseph Pitman, Master, for Bristol, with 247 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 2500 Staves, 32 Tons of Iron, 125 Gallons of Rum, 1 Pipe of Madeira Wine, and some Skins and Furs.
September 10. Brig. Abingdon, of Virginia, Thomas Southwick, Master, for Madeira, with 1861 Bushels of Wheat, 1096 Bushels of Corn, 118 lb. of Bees Wax, and 1 Case of Cloaths.
September 11. Sloop Thomas and Tryal, of North Carolina, John Nelson, Master, for North-Carolina, with 14 Barrels of Pork, 2 Barrels of Beef, 2 Hogsheads of Rum, 3 Barrels of Sugar, some Stone Ware, 150 lb. of old Iron, and sundry British Goods imported here.
September 14. Ship John, of London, John Dennis, Master, for Accomack, on the Eastern Shore, with 2 Hogsheads of Tobacco, and Ballast.
The Ship Buchanan, Capt. Rae, will sail in a few Days, for London.

September 7, 1739 - Waff, Lane, Pitman

Clear’d out of York River.
August 24. Ship Micajah and Philip, of London, Elias Waff, Master, for London, with 652 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 8000 Staves, and 600 Feet of Walnut Tree Plank.
August 25. Ship Humphry, of London, James Lane, Master, for London, with 800 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 11400 Staves, 1 Pipe of Madeira Wine, and 1 Hogshead of Snake Root.


Tomorrow will be Clear’d out of this District, for Bristol, the Ship Crosse-Galley, Capt. Joseph Pitman, with 247 Hogsheads of Tobacco 3500 Staves, 35 Tons of Iron, 17 Indian-dress’d Deer-Skins, 2 Elk and 8 Beaver Skins, and a Hogshead of Rum. Messieurs Walter and Samuel King, go Passengers in her.

August 24, 1739 - Rounswal, Bird, Cox, Harwood, Robertson, Whiting, Sibson, Friend

Enter’d in York River.
August 6. Sloop John and Anne of New-York, William Rounswal, Master, from New York, with 122 Casks of Sugar, and 60 Casks of Molasses.
-------- 7. Snow Prince of Orange, of Bristol, Japhos Bird, Master, from Africa, with 200 Slaves.
--------11. Brig. Little Molly, of Virginia, James Cox, Master, from James River, with Part of her Lading for the West-Indies.

Clear’d out.
August 3. Ship Sea Nymph, of London, John Harwood, Master, for London, with 270 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, and 25 Tons of Iron.
-------- 6. Ship Mary, of London, William Robertson, Master, for London, with 256 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, and 45 Gallons of Rum.
-------- 7. Ship Whitaker, of London, Robert Whiting, Master, for London, with 626 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 9000 Staves, and 8 Fathom of Wood.
-------- 9. Snow Black Prince, of London, John Sibson, Master, for London, with 100 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 1 Hogshead of Madeira Wine, 40 Tons of Iron, 4625 Staves, 24 Anchor Stocks, 2000 Foot of Sheathing Boards, 18 Deer Skins, 6 Bear Skins, 230 Fox and Raccoon Skins, and 5 Boxes of Balsam Tholou.
-------- 15. Ship Gooch, of London, Charles Friend, Master, for London, with 570 Hogshead of Tobacco, 1 Hogshead of Skins, 1 Hogshead of Madeira Wine, 6 Beaver Skins, 8000 Pipe, Hogshead, and Barrel Staves.

August 10, 1739 - Smith, Booth, Charnock, Saunders, Hurt, Lansdon, Bird, Braxton

Clear’d out of York River.
July 21. Ship Dolphin, of London, John Smith, Master, for London, with 265 Hogsheads of Tobacco, and 4500 Staves.
July 21. Ship Haswell, of London, John Booth, Master, for London, with 392 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 1 Pipe of Madeira Wine, 4000 Staves and Headings, and 52 Deer Skins.
July 26. Ship Staunton, of London, Samuel Charnock, Master, for London, with 341 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 3 Tons of Iron, 3000 Staves, 500 Feet of Walnut Plank, 218 Deer Skins, and 2 Bever Skins.
July 27. Sloop Joseph and John, of Bermuda, Joseph Stovel, Master, for Bermuda, with 1400 Bushels of Corn.
July 28. Ship Somerset, of Bristol, John Saunders, Master, for Bristol, with 306 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 1 Hogshead and 1 Barrel of Skins, 29 Tons of Iron, and 4000 Staves.
August 1. Ship Portland, of London, Cheney Hurt, Master, for Potowmack, with2000 Bushels of Salt, 1 Chest and 1 Bale of Linen, 1 Case of Felt Hats, and 12 Pipes of Madeira Wine.
August 1. Ship Mortimer, of Bristol, Robert Lansdon, Master, for Bristol, with 459 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 30 Tons of Iron, 3725 Staves, 36 Oak Boards, and 1 Box of Deer Skins.


Just arrive’d in York River, the Ship Prince of Orange, Japhet Bird, Commander, with Two Hundred and odd Choice SLAVES. The Days of Sale will begin on Friday the 10th of this Instant, at York; on Wednesday the 13th, at West-Point, by George Braxton.

July 27, 1739 - Smith, Armistead, Sibson

A Small Barrel, mark’d BK No. 5. that was brought from London, into Rappahanock, in the Ship Dolphin, Capt. Smith, is left at Col. Armistead’s, on Pianketank. The Owner of it, on proving his Property, and paying the Charge of this Advertisement, may have it deliver’d to him.


The Snow Black Prince, of and for London, now lying at York, John Sibson, Commander, being near loaden; those Gentlemen who intend their Tobacco by her, at Six Pounds per Ton, are desir’d to send it on board with all possible Speed; and those Gentlemen who have favour’d him with their Tobacco, are desir’d to send their Bills of Lading; for the said Snow will certainly sail on the 10th of August; but will take no Tobacco on board after the 6th.

July 20, 1739 - Dennis, Nelson, Dean, Banks, Beale

Enter’d in York River.
July 18. Ship John, of London, John Dennis, Master, from London, with a Chaise and Harness, 2 Perukes, Ballasts, and 2 Passengers.
July 18. Sloop Thomas and Tryal, of North-Carolina, John Nelson, Master, from North-Carolina, with 146 Barrels of Tar, 12 Barrels of Turpentine, 4 Barrels of Rice, 60 Barrels of Pork, 2 Barrels of Whale Oyl, 1 Barrel of Tallow, 1000 lbs. of Bees Wax, and Myrtle Wax, 50 lbs. of raw and drest Deer Skins, 50 lbs. of Hides, a small Parcel of Furs, a Bag of Geathers, 150 lbs. of Butter and Cheese, 45 Pair f Mill Stones, 20 Bushels of Pease, and 2 Barrels of Beef.

Clear’d out.
July 11. Schooner Unity, of New-England, Thomas Dean, Master, for New-England, with 32 Pipes and 1 Hogshead of Madeira Wine, 2 Tierces of Rum, and some loose British Goods.
July 17. Ship Hatley, of London, Ralph Banks, Master, for London, with 320 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 1 Hogshead and 1 Bundle of Deer Skins, and 3500 Staves.
July 18. Ship Martin, of Bristol, William Beale, Master, for Bristol, with 405 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 35 Tons of Iron, 6000 Staves, and 115 Gallons of Rum, imported in the Sumerset.

July 13, 1739 - Hurt, Reynolds, Belcher, Seabrook, Sibson

Enter’d in York River.
July 11. Ship Portland, of London, Cheney Hurt, Master, from London, and the Isle of May, with 4000 Bushels of Salt, one Chest and one Bale of Linen, and one Case of Felt Hats.

Clear’d out.
July 7. Ship Maynard, of London, Thomas Reynolds, Master, for London, with 473 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 7000 Staves, 800 Foot of Inch Plank, 2 Parcels of old Brass and Copper, and 45 Tons of Iron.
July 7. Ship Timothy and Jacob, of London, James Belcher, Master, for London, with 393 Hogsheads 1 Barrel of Tobacco, 550 Staves, 12 Pounds of Beaver, 35 Tons of Iron, and 2 or 3 Parcels of old Pewter and Brass.
July 7. Snow Mary, of London, James Hume, Master, for Madeira, with 4500 Bushels of Wheat, 4200 Pipe Staves, 5600 Shingles, 41 Barrels of Pork, and 2000 Foot of Inch Pine Plank.
July 11. Ship John, of London, Charles Seabrook, Master, for London, with 605 Hogsheads and 1 Tub of Tobacco, 51 Tons of Iron, 8500 Staves, 25 Pounds of Beaver Skins, and 23 undrest Deer Skins.


ALL Gentlemen, and others, who intend to ship their Tobacco in the Snow Black Prince, of London, now lying at York, John Sibson, Master, at the Rate of Six Pounds per Ton, are desir’d to send it on board by the last Day of this Month; he being determined not to take in any after that Time.

June 29, 1739 - Dean, Hume, Winch, Gerrish, Sibson,

Enter’d in York River.
June 25. Schooner Unity, of New-England, Thomas Dean, Master, of New-England, from Madiera, with 71 Pipes 14 Hogsheads 7 Quarter Casks of Madeira Wine, and 6 Boxes of Citron.
June 26. Snow Mary, of Virginia, James Hume, Master, from James River, with 64 Barrels of Pork, 5600 Shingles, 4200 Pipe Staves, 4200 Feet of Inch Plank.


Just Imported in York River, from Barbadoes, A Large Quantity of Rum, Sugar, &c. which is to be Sold by Mr. William Winch, Merchant, at his Stores in New-Kent and King-William Counties, at reasonable Rates.


WHEREAS the Snow Black Prince, of London, a prime Sailer, mounted with 16 Guns, Burthen 150 Tons, between 3 and 4 Years old, belonging to William Gerrish, Esq; and John Sibson, is now ready to take into Tobacco at Six Pounds per Ton, provided they send it on Board before the First of August next; or Seven Pounds per Ton, if fetch’d at the Expense of the Ship. Part of her Loading is already agreed for. She will be ready to sail the first Week in August, (unforeseen Accidents excepted,) or will carry the Tobacco Freight free.

I find it has been industriously reported for many Years, that Ships which come from Guinea here with Slaves, are never after in a Condition to take in Tobacco; which is very absurd and ungenerous, and a great Discouragement to bring Negros here: But I cannot think any Man, who has any Notion of a Ship, can ever imagine any one will venture his Life and Fortune to Sea in a Vessel that is not Sea worthy. However, to clear up all Doubts of that kind, if any Gentleman has a Mind to ship Tobacco on board me, I will cause a Survey to be made of my Vessel by whom they shall desire, and her Condition shall be reported accordingly. I am the Readers most obedient Servant, John Sibson.

June 22, 1739 - Simpson, Tillidge, Stovel, Rae, Briggs, Perrin, Littlepage

Enter’d in York River.
June 5. Snow Black Prince, of London, John Simpson, Master, from Guinea, with 112 Negroes, 14,000 lb. of Elephants Teeth, returned Goods, and 500 Ounces of Gold Dust.
June 14. Snow John and Mary, of Virginia, Richard Tillidge, Master, from Madeira and Barbadoes, with 98 Hogsheads, 21 Tierces, and 20 Barrels of Rum, 86 Barrels of Muscovado Sugar, and 12 Pipes of Madeira Wine.
June 20. Sloop Joseph and John, Bermuda, Joseph Stovel, Master, from Bermuda and Turks Island, with 1400 Bushels of Salt, some Straw Ware, and 24 l. Cash.
June 22. Ship Buchanan, of London, Robert Rae, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods, as per Manifest and Cockets.

Clear’d out.
June 1. Schooner Grampus, of Virginia, John Briggs, Master, for Madeira, with 2460 Bushels of Corn, 80 Bushels of Pease, 1200 Pipe Staves, and 150 lb. of Bees-Wax.


The Snow John and Mary, Richard Tillidge, Master, belonging to Capt. John Perrin, now lying at Mr. Littlepage’s, on Pamunkey, is ready to take in Tobacco on Freight for Bristol, at the usual Rate, the Freighters having Liberty to consign to whom they please.

June 1, 1739 - Saunders, Southwick, Pitmain, Lane, Dansie, Malbon, Patchet, Ludlow, Stowe

Enter’d in York River.
May 21. Ship Somerset, of Bristol, John Saunders, Master, from Bristol, and Barbadoes, with 42 Hogsheads 63 Tierces and 30 Barrels of Rum, 26 Barrels of Sugar, and 19 l. 13 s. 8 d. Cash.
May 21. Brig. Abingdon, of Virginia, Tho. Southwick, Master, from Madeira and Barbadoes, with 10 Pipes of Wine, 15 Hogsheads 50 Tierces and 63 Barrels of Rum, 37 Barrels of Sugar, and 9 l. 8 d. Cash.
May 28. Crosse Galley, of Bristol, Joseph Pitmain, Master, from Bristol and Africa, with 266 Slaves, and sundry return’d Goods.
May 29. Ship Humphry, of London, James Lane, Master, from London and New-England, with 20 Hogsheads of Rum, 6 Casks of Molasses, 6 Barrels of Train Oil, 3 Bags of Hops, 3 Dozen Pails, and 50,000 Bricks.

Clear’d out.
May 17. Ship Albemarle, of London, Thomas Dansie, Master, for London, with 462 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 6000 Staves, 50 Tons of Iron, 108 Deer Skins, and 220 Weight of Beaver Skins.
May 24. Ship Carter, of London, Samuel Malbon, Master, for London, with 518 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 7500 Staves, 34 Tons of Iron, 30 Weight of Beaver, 5 Otter, 8 Raccoon, and 10 Deer Skins.
May 25. Brig. Anne and Betty, of Lancaster, Allan Patchet, Master, for Lancaster, with 56 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 4 Casks of return’d Goods, 4 Pieces of loose Linen, 6 Stuff Hats, 500 Feet of sheathing Boards, and 1000 Staves.
May 25. Ship York, of Bristol, Joseph Ludlow, Master, for Bristol, with 418 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, and 27 Tons of Iron.
May 27. Sloop Susannah, of Bermuda, Joseph Stowe, Master, for Bermuda, with 1500 Bushels of Corn, 30 Bushels of Pease, and 10 Hogs.

May 18, 1739 - Harwood, Ruffan, Mosely, Lambert

Enter’d in York River.
May 4. Ship Sea Numph, of London, John Harwood, Master, from New-England, with one Doz. Desks, one Doz. Tables, and Ballast.

Clear’d out of York River.
May 3. Ship New-Kent, of Bristol, David Ruffan, Master, for Bristol, with 393 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5400 Staves, 33 Tons of Iron, 2 Deer Skins, 1 Box of return’d Goods, and 1 Cask of Rum.
May 3. Brig. Pretty Betsy, of Virginia, Anthony Mosely, Master, for London, with 205 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, 1 Pipe of Madeira Wine, and 22 Tons of Iron.
May 3. Ship Williamsburg, of Bristol, Jonath. Lambert, Master, for Bristol, with 314 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 5000 Staves, and 25 Tons of Iron.

May 4, 1739 - Smith, Beale, Robertson, Lansdon, Waff, Charnock, Booth, Collis, Friend, Whiting, Seawell, Boswell

Enter’d in York River.
April 23. Ship Dolphin, of London, John Smith, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods, and 2 Passengers.
April 24. Ship Martin Galley, of Bristol, William Beale, master, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods, and 1 Passenger.
April 24. Ship Mary of London, William Robertson, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods.
April 26. Ship Mortimer, of Bristol, Robert Lansdon, Master, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods.
April 26. Ship Micajah and Philip, of London, Elias Waff, Master, from London, with Sundry European Goods.
April 27. Ship Staunton, of London, Samuel Charnock, Master, from London, and Morlaix, in France.
April 27. Ship Haswell, of London, John Booth, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods, as per Manifest.
April 28. Ship Hanover, of Bristol, Thomas Collis, Master, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods, as per Manifest.
April 30. Ship Gooch, of London, Charles Friend, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods, as per Manifest.
April 30. Ship Whitaker, of London, Robert Whiting, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods, as per Manifest, and 4 Passengers.


Stolen or stray’d from the Subscriber, at Mr. Joseph Seawell’s on North River, in Gloucester County, on the Fifth Day of April last, a large very dark bay pacing Horse, branded on the near Buttock TM; has a switch Tail, a hanging Mane, and a small Star in his Forehead. Had on, when he was stolen away, a large hunting Saddle, with a small Slit cut in the Seat with a Knife, and blue fring’d Housing. Whoever will bring the said Horse to the Subscriber, in the aforesaid County; or give Intelligence of him, so that he may be had again, shall have a Pistole Reward, paid by me, John Boswell.

April 6, 1739 - Banks, Briggs

On Tuesday last, arriv’d in York River, the Ship Hatley, Capt. Ralph Banks, from London, after a tedious Passage of about 14 Weeks: The Captain says, there were several Ships in the Downs, bound for Virginia, when he left Falmouth. This Ship has brought but few Letters, and no News as we hear of yet.

Enter’d in York River.
March 28, Schooner Grampus, of Virginia, John Briggs, Master, from Madeira, with 44 Pipes, 10 Hogsheads, and 19 Quarter Casks of Wine, 3 Boxes of Cittern, 2 Figg Cheeses, and 1 Box of return’d Cloaths.
April 5. Ship Hatley, of London, Ralph Banks, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods, and 5 Passengers.

March 23, 1739 - Lewis, Robinson, Gooch, Morry, Burges, Powell, Washington, Jones, Gray, Woodhouse, Cornick, Elligood, Moseley, Harmer, King, Willis

Last Friday the Brigantine Pretty Betsy, (belonging to Col. Lewis, of Gloucester County,) James Robinson, Master, bound for London, with 202 Hogsheads of Tobacco on board, sailed out of Severn River; and on the same Day met with a Disaster, which is fully express’d in the following Protest, and Depositions:

TO all to whom this publick Instrument of Protest shall come, William Gooch, Esq; His Majesty’s Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, maketh known and manifest, That on the Twenty First Day of March, in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Annoque Domini 1738, Personally came and appeared before me, the said Lieutenant Governor, James Robinson, Master of the Brigantine called the Pretty Betsy, of Virginia, (whereof, John Lewis, of the County of Gloucester, Esq; is Owner;) John Morry, Mate of the said Brigantine; Edward Burges, Charles Powell, William Washington, Jeremiah Jones, and Thomas Gray, Mariners, belonging to the said Brigantine: And on their several respective Oaths taken on the Holy Evangelists, did declare and depose, That the said Brigantine sailed from Severn River, in the District of York, on the Sixteenth Day of this present Month, bound for London, having on board Two Hundred and Two Hogsheads of Tobacco, and other Merchadizes, navigated with these Deponents, and one other Foremast Man; and about One o’Clock of the same Day, the Wind blowing hard at West, was drove on the Middle-ground between the Capes of Virginia; and there, by the Violence of the Wind and Sea, struck several Times with such Force, that these Deponents being apprehensive of her being beat to Pieces, or parting, judged it necessary, for the Preservation of their Lives, to leave the said Vessel about Two o’Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, and made the best of their Way in their Boat to the Eastern Shore, and about Ten that Night landed on Cape Charles; that the next Morning, seeing no Appearance of the Brigantine at the Place where she run a Ground, they concluded she must be beat to Pieces, or drove off and sunk; and therefore resolved to return back to John Lewis, Esq; and inform him of their Misfortune: But it happened, upon the Return of the Tide of Flood that Night, the Brigantine floated, and drove near to Cape Henry, where she was taken up, and brought back to Severn River aforesaid; that when she was so taken up, there was four Feet four Inches Water in her Hold, as these Deponents were informed by the Persons who took up the said Vessel. And in Regard, that by the Accident Aforesaid, these Deponents are satisfy’d, that considerable Damage must have happened to the Tobacco on board, as well as to the Vessel; therefore the said James Robinson, in Behalf of himself, and his Crew, did protest, and by these Presents, doth solemnly protest against the Seas and Storms aforesaid, and against all Persons whom it may concern, for all Damages, Losses, and Costs, sustained in the said Vessel, and Lading; and that he and his Crew be altogether acquitted and discharged thereof, as being occasioned by the Winds and Seas, and not through any Fault or Neglect of him and his said Crew. Thus done and protested at Williamsburg, in Virginia, the Day and Year above written. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand, and caused a Seal of His Majesty’s Dominion aforesaid, to be affixed. WILLIAM GOOCH.

The Depositions of Henry Woodhouse, and Lemuel Cornick, concerning the Brigantine Pretty Betsy.
Henry Woodhouse, of the County of Princess Anne, in the Colony of Virginia, Mariner, aged Twenty Four Years or thereabouts, and Lemuel Cornick, of the same Place, Planter, aged Twenty Two Years, or thereabouts, severally make Oath, and say, That on Saturday the Seventeenth Instant, these Deponents, and one Langston Levitt, discovered a Vessel a Ground in Chesapeake Bay, about a Mile and a Half from Cape Henry; which they went aboard, and finding no Body in the Vessel, they forthwith applied themselves to Col. Jacob Elligood, a neighbouring Justice of the Peace, who went aboard the said Vessel, with these Deponents: And by some Papers that were found aboard , it was soon discovered, that the Vessel belonged to Col. John Lewis, of the County of Glocester, in the said Colony, that her Name was the Pretty Betsy, and the Name of the Master, when she cleared out, was James Robinson: Whereupon, these Deponents, at the Request of the said Col. Elligood, engaged to assist in getting the said Vessel off; which the Wind and Tide favouring, was soon done. And then these Deponents, together with Captain Anthony Moseley, and Three others, and a Pilot, and his Boy, which the said Moseley afterwards took in, carried the said Vessel to Col Lewis’s; where they arrived on Tuesday the Twentieth Instant. And these Deponents say, That the Vessel aforesaid was laden with Tobacco: And that there was about Four Feet Four Inches Water in the Hold, when she came to be a float; and that after she was cleared of the Water, she made about Inches Water in an Hour, and no more. And further these Deponents say not. Henry Woodhouse, Lemuel Cornick. Williamsburg, in Virginia, March 21, 1738. Sworn before John Harmer, Walter King.


The Ferry commonly called Grave’s Ferry, over York River, near West-Point, formerly kept by Robert Willis, is now kept by the subscriber: Any Gentlemen that have Occasion to cross the same, may depend on a speedy Passage, with 4 able Hands and a good Boat: Where likewise may be had good Entertainment for Man and Horse. John Waller.

March 9, 1739 - Malbon, Tillidge, Coffin, Crane, Gwyn

Enter'd in York River.
Febr. 12. Ship Carter, of London, Samuel Malbon, Master, from London, and Madeira, having on board sundry European Goods, and 67 Pipes, 7 Hogsheads and 1 quarter Cask of Madeira Wine.
Febr. 19. Sloop Hopewell of Rhode-Island, having on board 88 Barrels of Cyder, 10 Hogsheads of Salt, 2 Casks of Cheese, 1 Box of English Goods, 4 Hogsheads of Rum, 2 Barrels of Molasses, 1 Barrel of Sugar, and 1 Negro Slave.

Clear'd out.
Febr. 4. Snow John and Mary, of Virginia, Richard Tillidge, Master, bound for Madeira, having on board 4977 Bushels of Wheat, 144 Bushels of Pease, and 2000 lb. of Bread.
Febr. 4. Sloop Dove, of New-England, Alexander Coffin, Master, bound for New-England, having on board 1000 Bushels of Corn, 150 Bushels of Pease, 30 Bushels of Bonavists, 1000 Barrel Staves, and 12 Bushels of Wheat.
March 4. Ship Bobby, of London, Henry Crane, Master for London, having taken on board in York River, 147 Hogsheads of Tobacco, 40 Tons of Iron, and 5000 Pipe, Hogshead,and Barrel Staves; the former Part of her cargo taken in at James River, for which she paid the Impost and Tonage of the said Vessel, and other Fees, &c.


To be Sold, for Fifty Pounds Current Money, A Tract of Land, containing Eight Hundred Acres, lying on a Branch of Pamunkey River, in Orange County; there is a fine Run of Water through the said Land for a Mill, the Land being sav'd, and is a fine Place for Stock, lies on a Main Road, about 25 Miles Distance from Fredericksburg. Any Person inclinable to purchase the said Tract, may see the Owner thereof, at Gloucester Court every Court Day, or at his House on Gwyn's Island, in Kingston Parish, Gloucester County. Daniel Gwyn.

February 16, 1739 - Malbone

The Carter Frigate, Capt. Samuel Malbone, from London, by way of Madeira, arriv'd in York River, last Saturday.