Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

December 19, 1745 - Glass, Bradley, Matthews, Aiselby, Twentyman, Robinson, Wilcox

Ran away on Monday was Se’nnight from the Subscriber, at York Town, a Convict Servant Man, nam’d George Glass, aged about 30 Years, of a middle Stature, with strait brown Hair, and red Eyes. He talks broad West-Country and was transported from Liverpool lately, by the Snow John and Mary, Capt. Bradley, in York River. He had several Sorts of Wearing Apparel, some of which he stole, particularly a whitish Broad-cloth Coat, and a Pair of Blue Breeches. Whoever takes up and conveys the said Servant to me, in York Town, shall be rewarded according to Law, by me.

Patrick Matthews.


Last Tuesday arriv’d in Hampton Road, the Ship Duke of Cumberland, Capt. Aiselby, in 6 Weeks from Bristol: And the same Day arriv’d in York River, the Monmouth, Capt. Twentyman, in 6 Weeks from Liverpool. By whom we have the printed Papers to the 24th of October; from which we collect as much of the most material News as we have Room for now, and purpose in our next to give more full and particular Accounts. Besides the Intelligences contained in those Papers, we are told the disagreeable News, That the Ship Expedition, Capt. Robert Robinson, from York River: and the Ship Restoration, Capt. John Wilcox, from James River, both loaden with Tobacco, for London, are taken and carried into France ...

Edinburgh is still in the Hands of the Rebels, the Castle still holds out, and ‘tis morally impossible they should take it without Treachery ...

(Editor's note: see April 19, 1745 World Events about the Jacobite Rising.)