Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

February 2, 1739 - Ludlow, Carey, Montague, Dansie, Armistead, Bowles, Ruffan, Seymour, Trott,

Yesterday arrived in York River, the Ship York, Capt. Joseph Ludlow, from Bristol; the Ship Albemarle, (in the Service of Messieurs Carey and Montague,) Capt. Thomas Dansie, from London.


We hear from Maryland, That about 6 Weeks ago, Mr. William Armistead, Son of Col. Henry Armistead, of Glocester County, in the Colony, was married to Miss ----- Bowles, second Daughter of James Bowles, Esq; deceas’d some Years since one of the Right Hon. the Lord Proprietor’s Council of that Province, and Grand-Daughter of Tobias Bowles, Esq; formerly an eminent Merchant of London, in the Virginia Trade; a very agreeable young Lady, with a Fortune of upwards of 6000 l. Sterling.


We hear from Gloucester County, That on Thursday Night was Se’nnight, a Man who had been drinking at the Ordinary near the Court-house, being quarrelsome and troublesome to the Company, was, by a Man belonging to the House, push’d out of the Door, and missing his Step, fell backwards, and with the Fall and the Liquor together, dy’d soon after. The Coroner’s Inquest fate on the Body, and brought in their Verdict, Accidental Death.


Enter’d in York River.
January 19. Ship New-Kent, of Bristol, David Ruffan, Master, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods.
February 1. Ship York, of Bristol, Joseph Ludlow, Master, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods, and 2 Passengers.
February 2. Ship Albemarle, Thomas Dansie, Master, from London, with sundry European Goods.

Clear’d out.
January 13. Sloop Pearle, of Bermuda, Daniel Seymour, Master, for Bermuda, with 1000 Bushels of Corn.
February 1. Sloop Mary, of Bermuda, Perient Trott, Master, for Bermuda, with 1200 Bushels of Corn, 50 Bushels of Pease, 500 Pieces of Pork, and 50 Bushels of Salt.