Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

January 10, 1752 - Whiting, Page, Bristow, Hood, Willis

We have receiv’d an Account of the following Gentlemen being elected Burgesses, to serve in the General Assembly, wiz.
For York, Mr. John Norton, Mr. Dudley Digges
City of Williamsburg, Mr. Armistead Burwell
James-City, Mr. Carter Burwell, Mr. Benjamin Waller
Gloucester, Mr. Beverly Whiting, Mr. John Page.


Ran away from the Plantation of Robert Bristow, Esq; in Gloucester County, about the Middle of December last, a lusty well made Negro Man, named Sam, about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, about 35 Years old; had on when he went away a dark color’d Coat, a Cotton Waistcoat and Breeches, Plaid Stockings and plain Shoes. And as a Schooner and a Sloop went from the said Plantation (belonging to Mr. John Hood, of Prince George County) about the Time the said Negroe ran away, there is Reason to believe he is gone in one of them. Whoever will apprehend and convey him to the above-mention’d Plantation, shall have Five Pounds Reward, besides what the Law allows, paid by Francis Willis, Sen.