Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Monday, July 26, 2010

October 17, 1751 - Harvie, Dinwiddie, Coutts, Walker, Trenchard, Smith

The Caledonia, Capt. Harvie, is arrived in Rappahanock, in five Weeks from London, who advises us, that the Honourable Robert Dinwiddie, Esq; our Governor, sail’d on Board Capt. Coutts, a Week before him, so that we are in daily Expectation of his Arrival.

We are advised likewise of the Arrival of the Virginian, Walker, and the True Patriot, Trenchard, at Bristol; the Lightfoot, Binks, at London, and the new Prince William, Smith, at Glasgow.


A Merchant in London, in a Letter to a Gentleman here, desires him to advise those concern’d in Tobacco, to take Care it is tied up in Bundles, and not laid loose in the Hogshead; as several of the Foreign Markets will not buy it in that Manner, and those that do, will give but a very low Price for it. We insert this as a Direction to the Planters, before they carry their new Crop to be inspected.