Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

August 29, 1766 - Archer, Vaughan, Allen, Briggs

To be SOLD, athe late dwelling-house of John Briggs, deceased, in NEW KENT county, on Monday the 8th of September, the following articles, viz.
A SLOOP, burthen about 70 tuns, three years old, well fitted and found, about 16 NEGROES, stock of CATTLE and HOGS, CORN, WHEAT, and TOBACCO, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, and many other things too tedious to mention. – All persons who have any demands against the estate are desired to bring them in and those that are indebted are desired to pay off, without further trouble. The sloop’s inventory may be seen at Mr. Archer’s in York, or Mr. Vaughan’s in Gloucester. Three months credit will be allowed, on giving bond and security to