To be SOLD, on
the first Thursday in October next, at Gloucester Court-House, the following
Tracts of LAND, viz.
The Tract of
LAND containing by Estimation 698 Acres, commonly called and known by the Name
of Edwards’s. Also a Tract of Land containing 350 Acres, called Iveson’s.
Likewise a Tract containing 100 Acres, called Bond’s. Also a Tract of Land
containing 100 Acres, called Broadhurst. And a Tract of Land containing 390
Acres, called Amiss. Also that Tract of Land containing 200 Acres, called
Clack’s. Also a Tract of Land containing 140 Acres, called Waterfield. All of
which Tracts of Parcels of Land are situate and lying in the Parish of Ware, in
the said County of Gloucester, on the Branches of North and Pianketank Rivers.
And also a Tract or Parcel of Land containing 350 Acres, called Asher’s, lying
in the Parish of Petsworth in the County of Gloucester. The Purchasers shall
have such Credit, on giving Bond and Security as may be agreed on at the Sale.