Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

June 20, 1766 - Stamp Act Repealed!

Blogger's Note: As I write this post I am feeling anxious about government overreach. We are currently suffering from the consequences of Mr. T's unfair tariff scheme which put me in mind of the historic consequences of imposing taxes and tariff on the good people of this county. A past KING saw the error of his ways when the people rose up against them. He forthwith lifted the excessive tax on goods, being persuaded that such taxes and tariffs harmed the natural flow of commerce and angered the free people. May Mr. T take a lesson from history. 
From New York, May 26, 1766

Long live the KING, whose Sacred Majesty so graciously assented to the wise measures of his Ministry, who (undeniably) were actuated by virtuous and noble principles for the good of the common cause of liberty, the wellbeing of all his loyal subjects, and benefit of the community, in repealing an act call The STAMP ACT; which, had it taken place in these extensive colonies of America, would have been attended the most direful consequences to the inhabitants thereof.