Compiled by Sara E. Lewis
From an index to the Virginia Gazette, produced in 1950 by Lester J. Cappon and Stella F. Duff of the Institute of Early American History and Culture (Omohundro Institute) with additional Gloucester material not captured by the indexers. Kingston Parish (Mathews) was part of Gloucester County when the Virginia Gazette was published in Williamsburg. Occasional posts about world and local events that captured the bloggers fancy are included to put local listings in context. Please review primary source material before citing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

March 28, 1755 - Reynolds, Coxen, Cooper, Thomas, Allan, Patterson, Morris, Whiting, Causzar, Peterson, Nesbitt, Cheesman, Finch, Robertson, Belchier, Bentley, Danscomb, Sargent, Mudie, Barclay, Martin

Entered Inwards in York River.

Feb. 22.  York, John Reynolds, from Bristol, with sundry European Goods.
Feb. 24.  Hazard, Adam Coxen, from London, with ditto.
Feb. 28.  Elizabeth, Jacob Cooper, from Hull, with ditto.
March 1.  Hannah, John Thomas, from Bristol, with ditto.
March 2.  John and Betsey, Anthony Allan, from St. Christophers.
March 3.  Russia Merchant, Robert Patterson, from London, in Ballast.
March 4.  Peggy, William Morris, fro Bristol, with sundry European Goods.
March 6.  Esther and Mary, Robert Whiting, from London, with ditto.
March 11.  Burwell, Thomas Causzar, from Dublin, with 40 Servants.
March 13.  Cornwall Jacob Peterson, from London, with sundry European Goods.
March 17.  Dryden, Thomas Nesbitt, from Dublin, in Ballast.
March 18.  Kings-Fisher, Joseph Cheesman, from Madeira, with 37 Pipes & 4 Hhds. of Wine.

Cleared Outwards.

Feb. 15.  Whiting, Ralph Finch, for Barbadoes, with 1 Hogshead of Tobacco, & 220 Bushels of Corn.
Feb. 27.  York-Packet, Robert Robertson, for Rhode Island, with 1255 Bushels of Indian Corn.
March 1.  Berry, James Belchier, for London, with 526 Hhds. of Tobacco, & 8000 Staves.
March 8. Richard and Mary, Richard Bentley, for Barbadoes, with 2000 Bushels of Corn, and 10,000 Staves.
March 13.  St. George, Jonathan Danscomb, for Bermuda, with 2000 Bushels of Corn.
March 17.  Prince of Orange, Francis Sargent, for New-England with 1552 Bushels of Corn.
March 17.  Little Harry, James Mudie, for Barbadoes, with 2260 Bushels of Corn, and 9000 Shingles.


To be LETT,

A HOUSE and Store where Patrick Barclay, Merchant, lately dwelt in King & Queen County, well situated for Trade, being very convenient to York and Rappahanock Rivers. For Terms apply to the Subscriber, in King-William County.

John Martin.