JUST arrived in Rappahannock river, the snow Beverley, Capt. Allan, from London, with a large number of CONVICT SERVANTS, mostly tradesmen; the sale of which will begin in Leeds-Town on Monday the 14th instant, and at Port-Royal the Monday following, and continue there until all are sold.
GLOUCESTER County, October 22, 1763.
Whereas John Davis, one of the under-sheriffs of this county, has taken in execution, and sold as the estate of William Amys a Negro Woman named PATT, by trade a weaver, the said Davis giving notice that the right to the said slave was to determine at the death of Anne, the wife of William Amys. Richard iveson bought her for 30 l. immediately transported her over the bay of Chesapeak, and sold her to one Jacobs in Northampton county, as we are informed, for 60 l. without mentioning the right to determine at the death of Anne Amys. Now we hereby inform the publick in general, and the said Jacobs of Northampton in particular, that the slave Patt in question, being part of the estate of John Machen, deceased, was allotted, with other slaves to Anne Amys, daughter of the said John, to whom he willed the use of an equal part of his Negroes during her natural life, and then the said Negroes and their increase are given to certain orphans, children of the said Anne by a former husband. We the executors of the last will of John Machen, having ourselves given sufficient sedurity, refused to deliver the estate out of our hands unless Amys, husband of the lefatee, would give us security; which he not being able to do, we delivered the slaves as a loan, upon his promise, before evidence, to deliver them back if demanded. But whether this still gives the executors such a right as to prevent the slaves being sold for the debts of the said AMYS, or not, this much is certain that the right, if any, is good no longer than for the life of Anne Amys. The said Jacobs hath this notice that he is imposed upon and the publick, lest any one else should be likewise imposed upon, by more sales of the like kind. From their frinds,
IMPORTED in the Fauquier, Capt. Keith Wray, a box marked ___ No 1, which is supposed to be landed somewhere on James or York rivers by mistake. Whoever will give me notice where the said box is, or send it up Mattapony river to Sheppard’s warehouse, the favour shall be gratefull acknowledged, and all expenses paid,
STRAYED from the subscriber, in Gloucester county, on the 5th of May last, a dark bay mare, about 4 feet 7 inches high, about 6 years old, had a roached mane and bob tail, and branded on the near buttock either CF or GF. Whoever brings the said mare to me, or Mr. John Brookes in New-Kent, shall have 5 l. reward.