STRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber, living in St. Margaret’s Parish, in Caroline County, about the 29th of August last, a large dark Bay Horse branded on the Buttock S; he paces naturally and very fast, drags his hind Feet very much, and had on a small Bell, with IB mark’d in the Side of it. Whoever brings him to me shall have a Pistole Reward.
John Brunskill, Sen.
N.B. For several Weeks before the above-mentioned Horse was missing, there had been luking in the Neighbourhood of Chesterfield, in the above-named Parish, a dark Mulato, who called himself a Portugueze, and went by the Name of James Wallace, alias Wadling, with his Doxy, a Convict and noted Pilferer: This Fellow pretended there to be a Bricklayer and Plaisterer, and that he was going done to Glocester County to seek Work. He is suspected to have stolen my Horse, as also some others that have been missing ever since the said 29th of August, which was the last Day that the said Mulatto was seen in those Parts: The good People of Glocester are therefore hereby cautioned to beware of those Persons, if among them.