Entered Inwards, in York River,
April 28. Morning-Star, Michael Keating, from New-York, with 33 Hhds. and 6 Tierces of Rum, & 7 Barrels Sugar.
May 3. Janet & Margaret, Peter Spence, from New-York, with 5 Hhds. Rum & 12 Barrels Sugar.
May 9. Speedwell, William Clark, from Marseilles, in Ballast.
May 16. Swallow, Edward Moir, from Nevis, with 11 Hhds. Rum, 6 Barrels Sugar, 10 Hhds. & 4 Tierces Melasses.
Cleared Outwards.
May 2. Dryden, Thomas Nesbitt, for London, with 477 Hhds. Tobacco, 36 Tons Pig-Iron, 7,550 Staves, & 44 Gallons of Rum.
May 5. Carmarthen Castle, George Strange for Bristol, with 200 Hhds. of Tobacco, 14 Tons Pig-Iron, & 4,700 Staves.
May 5. Russia Merchant, Robert Patterson, for London, with 492 Hhds. Tobacco, 9000 Staves, & 65 Gallons Rum.
May 6. John, James Briggs, for Antigua, with 5000 Staves, & 2400 Bushels of Corn.
May 6. Charming Anne, Richard Baker, for London, with 249 Hhds. of Tobacco, 6000 Staves, 200 Feet Plank, & 30 Pair of Oars.
Glocester, May 9, 1755
THERE are missing among my Goods, by the Hatley, Capt. Hill, a Trunk, containing two Pieces of German Serge, 4 ditto Shalloon, 6 ditto Duroy, and 1 ditton Sagothy; Also mispacked, as I suppose, 1 Dozen of Women’s Leather Shoes, and 8 Pieces of check’d Linen. And, as I make no Doubt that these Goods are shipped by Mr. Bowden to some other of his Corrspondents, I shall be greatly obliged to the Person that has them, to give me early Notice thereof.
James Hubard.