Capt. Baker just arrived in York River, in 9 Weeks from London, came out unter Convoy of Commodore Douglas in the Bedford, with four other Ships of the Line under his Command, and 20 Sail of Merchantmen bound for the Streights. The Princess Louisa, one of them, took three French Prizes, a Ship from Newfoundland, a Snow from Lisbon, and a Ketch; before Captain Baker left the Fleet then spoke with Admiral Hawk’s Squadron of 11 Sail, about 40 Leagues S.W. from Ushant, stretching across the Bay; Admiral West was in another Part of the Bay with 8 Sail, cruising between Ushant and Cape Finisterre, to intercept the French. Two Days after he left Commodore Douglass, he was chased by two 60 Gun Ships, which he took to be French Men of War sailing for the Channel, which will in al Probability fall into the Hands of Admiral Hawke.
Capt. Baker left London the 7th of September, at which Time his Majesty was not returned from his German Dominions, but daily expected, as the Yatches and Men of War under Lord Anson, had been sailed some Time, to escort his Majesty over.
About 50 Merchantmen and Coasters, had been taken and sent into the several Ports before Capt. Baker sailed.
The Fame, Capt. Shaw, is arrived in James River, from Bristol.
The Swift, Capt. Neven, the Cornwall, Capt. Peterson, the --------- Whiting; the --------- Hubbard, the Hatley, Hill, the Osgood, Crookshanks, and the Concord, Boynton, were arrived at London.
Yesterday arrived at York, the ---------------, Capt. Patterson, and the Charming Anne, Capt. Baker, both from London, by whom we have the following Advices, viz. . . .
To be SOLD, on the Premises, on Wednesday the 26th of November, 1755.
A Tract of Land, lying in Glocester County, containing 350 Acres, with a good Dwelling-House and all convenient Houses for Cropping: Also Thirteen Slaves, and about 30 Head of Cattle, for Cash or Bills of Exchange.
Thomas Boswell.
N.B. The Sale to be at the Plantation of William Marlow, deceas’d.